324 SEX GUIDANCE IN FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION subjects offered in various departments, but with few exceptions there are no organized correlated courses of studies in our graduate schools, focussed to meet the requirements of sex education work and leading toward an advanced degree. There are a few, I believe, and some good work is being done, but in general, the country over, sex educa- tion does not have a representation in educational schools and colleges, and many faculties would not feel themselves qualified to direct such study. Because topics related to the sexual life for so long have been segregated from other departments of education and only recently are beginning to slip quietly into the general curriculum of the public schools, many are concerned lest special courses in teacher training may divorce our edu- cational interests, focus them again on sexual sub- jects as such, and so thrust them back into the old segregated position. One does not need to acquire a subject or impart it to others in its final form in order to have it accepted as a part of a whole great body of knowledge, or as part of a whole great ex- perience, but one does need to assimilate that sub- ject, make it bone of one's bone and flesh of one's flesh, if it is to be that to others and not a mere external acquisition. This accomplishment of personal adjustment to